Organizational Strategy Formulation & Execution
Organizational Strategy Formulation & Execution Abstract & Subject Outline of the Course
This course equips managers and professionals with the concepts, frameworks, and techniques needed to make better strategic decisions. The goal is a strategic course that reflects the dynamism and intellectual rigor of this fast-developing field of management and takes account of the strategic management practices of leading-edge companies.
This course endeavors to be both rigorous and relevant. While embodying the latest thinking in the strategy field, it aims to be accessible to professionals from different backgrounds and with varying levels of experience.
It achieves this accessibility by combining clarity of exposition, concentration on the fundamentals of value creation, and an emphasis on practicality.
This curse also focuses on the essential tasks of strategy: identifying the sources of superior business performance and formulating and implementing a strategy that exploits these sources of superior performance. At the same time, this course reflects recent developments in the business environment and in strategy research and to take account of feedback from instructors.
This curse also focuses on the essential tasks of strategy: identifying the sources of superior business performance and formulating and implementing a strategy that exploits these sources of superior performance. At the same time, this course reflects recent developments in the business environment and in strategy research and to take account of feedback from instructors.
Two Days Program (Advanced)
Concept of Strategy
The role of strategy in success
The basic framework for strategy analysis
A brief history of business strategy
Strategy today
Goals, Values and Performance
Strategy as a quest for value
Profit maximization
Shareholder value maximization
Putting performance analysis into practice
Appraising the organization’s performance
Diagnosing the sources of poor performance
Selecting strategies and setting performance targets
Beyond profit: Values and social responsibility
Strategy and real options
Industry Analysis: The Fundamentals
From environmental analysis to industry analysis
Industry analysis: Porter’s five forces of competition framework
Competition from substitutes
Threat of entry
Rivalry between established competitors
Bargaining power of buyers and suppliers
Applying industry analysis
Using industry analysis for forecasting industry profitability
Using industry analysis to develop strategy
Defining industries
From industry attractiveness to competitive advantage
Further Topics in Industry Analysis
Extending the five forces framework
A missing force in the Porter model?
Dynamic competition
The contribution of game theory
Extending the five forces framework
Segmentation analysis
Strategic groups
Analyzing and Developing Resources and Capabilities
The role of resources and capabilities in strategy formulation
Basing strategy on resources and capabilities
Resources and capabilities as sources of profit
Identifying resources and capabilities
The resources of the firm
Organizational capabilities
Creating capabilities
Appraising resources and capabilities
Exploiting key strengths
Managing key weaknesses
What about superfluous strengths?
Choosing the industry context
Organization Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation
Strategy implementation
The strategic planning system
The content of strategic plans
Operating plans
Organizational design: The fundamentals of organizing
Specialization and division of labor
Organization design
The Nature and Sources of Competitive Advantage
The emergence of competitive advantage
External sources of change
Internal sources of change
Sustaining competitive advantage
Isolating mechanisms
Competitive advantage in different market settings
Types of competitive advantage
Cost advantage
Sources of cost advantage
Using the value chain to analyze costs
Differentiation advantage
Developing New Products and Services
Service versus product development
Products and service development strategies: success factors
Organization and tools for development and delivery of new products and services
Processes for new product and service development
Crafting New Venture
Types of new venture
Context for entrepreneurship
Process and stages for creating an innovative new venture
Likelihood of establishing a venture
Processes: strategies and stages of creativity
Harvesting the venture: growth and exit strategies
Exploiting Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Generating and acquiring knowledge
Identifying and codifying knowledge
Storing, retrieving, and sharing knowledge
Translating knowledge into innovation
Exploiting intellectual property
Creating Value and Growing Ventures
Creating economic and social value
Innovation and firm performance
Choosing a business model
Growing the venture
Learning to Manage Innovation
Entrepreneurial goals and context
Recognize opportunity
Find resources
Develop venture
Create value and grow the venture